School Fees 2016
School fees are due and payable strictly in advance at the beginning of the month on or before the 1st day of that month.
A non-refundable Admission Fee of R500 is payable on application.
An Annual Levy of R750 per student per annum – must be fully paid by 30 March 2016
Compulsory annual Learner Personal Accident Insurance payable on 13 January 2016
- Rugby players Gr 8 – 12 R550 per annum
- Other boys Gr 8 – 12 R250 per annum
- All other learners R160 per annum
BANK DETAILS: Faithway College
First National Bank
Underberg – 221025
Acc: 58870012820
Reference: Student Admission No,
Student Name and Surname OR
Account No.