The school, which is situated on the edge of Himeville village at the foothills of the Southern Drakensberg Mountains, offers tuition from Grade 1 to Grade 12.
Faithway College was born and founded in 1992 by a group of families who wanted an education based on Christian principles for their children. Accordingly, they founded the school attached to the Highlands Church. Soon afterwards it separated from the Highlands Church, and was able to purchase a portion of the farm Riversdale from the insolvent estate of Allen Robertson, just large enough to erect school buildings and have a number of playing fields. It now has a Junior School building and a High School building.
From these small beginnings Faithway has developed into a normal academic school which has been able to achieve outstanding results in the educational field. At the moment the enrolment is 74 in the Primary School and 62 in the High School. There are currently17 full time teachers and 5 part time teachers on the staff. The pupils reflect the average numbers of the population groups of the country. Faithway follows the syllabus and curriculum requirements of the KwaZulu-Natal Education Department with whom it is registered. All the major core subjects are offered, including isiZulu as a primary or as an additional language. There has been a pass rate of 100% in the National Senior Certificate Examination every year for the last twelve years and a high proportion of our pupils have gained a university entrance pass. Instruction is given in English and the academic achievement s are even greater when the fact is considered that for the majority of the pupils this language is not their mother tongue and they are writing all their examinations in it, except for the other languages that are studied. English as First Language is written by all pupils in the Senior Certificate Exam.
Up until mid-2012 the school offered Grade R, which was fully registered with the Education Department with a fully qualified Teacher. However, due to the low numbers of children attending, it was decided by the Governing Body to transfer the Grade R Class to local pre-primary schools in Underberg and Himeville.
The small numbers in each age group, have made it difficult in the past to play schools in such sports as rugby, soccer, cricket, netball and hockey, but as the school grows in size we have been able to field more teams in these sports, and now offer rugby, cricket, hockey, soccer, and netball, cross-country. Individually, pupils have been selected for various district teams in athletics, soccer and rugby. All of them have done well.
The school takes part in many cultural and social activities and there are visits every quarter of speakers and shows of different kinds. Pupils regularly travel to plays, especially for their set works.
As the school grows more and more parents in the district are coming to realise that it is no longer necessary to send their children away to boarding school because there is a fully functioning high school with a sound academic record on their doorstep. It is a place where each boy or girl is encouraged to strive to reach his or her full potential, not only in the academic sphere but also in a wide range of cultural and sporting activities. We also try to inculcate civic awareness so that everyone learns to care for others and to show compassion for those in need. A large number of our own pupils fall into that last category themselves having experienced our harsh life can be after the loss of both parents.
At Faithway College our teachers are dedicated and committed to ensuring the students perform at a high standard of education. All our teachers are SACE registered.
Faithway College is an Independent school registered with the Department of Education and is UMALUSI accredited.